Browsing articles in "Health"

Who Invented the Breathalyzer

A breathalyzer is a device that is used to calculate or estimate BAC or the blood alcohol content from the breath of a person. The origin and first development of the breathalyzer was in the year 1927 when Emil Borgan came out with an experiment with air in a football. It led to the discovery of the fact that 2 liters of air had more alcoholic content than 1 cc of urine. In the year […]


Who Invented Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy was invented by Alfred Gilman and Louis S. Goodman who were hired by the U.S department of Defense to research upon the use of nitrogen mustard as a healing agent. Nitrogen gas was a chemical used in the Second World War to attack enemies resulting in severe burns. Gradual studies pointed out that people exposed to nitrogen gas had a low count of white blood cells. This discovery led to the research of the […]


Who Invented the Blood Bank

The history of blood back traces back to the First World War. JR Turner and Francis Peyton Rous, with the help of a glucose based compound, first introduced the concept of storing blood for many days. After some more research, Dr. Charles Richard Drew was the first person who studied in detail the transfusion and storing of blood. He opened many blood “depots” or “banks” in the early period of Second World War. However for […]


Who Invented the Band Aid

Band-aid is the brand name and product of Johnson & Johnson. It was invented in the year 1920 by one of the employees of Johnson & Johnson, Earle Dickson. Dickson introduced this product for his wife who frequently cut or burn herself while cooking. The product was used by Mrs. Dickson to dress her wounds without any assistance. The inventor resided at New Jersey and he conveyed the idea to his employer. The employer went […]


Who Invented Body Mass Index

Body mass Index or BMI is a measure of body weight of a person in reference to his height. It tries to explain what should be the actual weight-height ratio of a person and follows an easy method for calculation. It is generally used for calculating whether a person is overweight, ideal weight or underweight. On a large scale, BMI is used to analyze composition of the population of an area, region or country. It […]


Who Invented Anaesthesia

Anesthesia is the most remarkable and renowned discovery in the medical field. It was invented by Alfred Velpeau in the year 1839. It helps a patient slowly drift unconsciousness while still being aware. But it was used by doctor Crawford Williamson Long in the year 1842 for the first time. He used it towards removal of tumour from the back neck of the patient. It is medically induced on a patient and not resembles either […]