Who Invented the Battery
Based on an archaeological excavation carried out in the year 1936 at Baghdad, it has been believed by few scientists and historians that the battery was invented about 2000 years ago. But there was no strong evidence to prove the same.
Earlier in 1749, the term battery was used by Benjamin Franklin to refer a set of linked capacitors. He conducted an experiment using a similar process with electricity. Later, the battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in the year 1800 and he received the patent rights towards his invention.
Brief History
- 1748 – The term battery was introduced by Benjamin Franklin
- 1780 – 1786 – Identification of the electricity present in animal cell by Luigi galvani
- 1800 – First battery that produced consistent electric current was invented by Alessandro Volta
- 1836 – A safer battery with zinc and copper electrolyte called Daniel cell was invented by John Daniel.
- 1839 – William Grove invented the first fuel cell that generated the electricity by mixing hydrogen and oxygen.
- 1839 – 1842 – Liquid electrodes were used by numerous scientists to generate electricity by improved batteries.
- 1859 – Gaston Plante a French inventor invented a rechargeable acid battery, which is still being used in cars
- 1866 – A carbon-zinc battery was invented
- 1881 – Invention of first battery with a negative electrode
- 1899 – A rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery was invented
- 1901 – Thomas Alva Edison invented the alkaline storage battery
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